PFT 2025
Student poster and oral presentations are judged separately. Student ORAL presentations are judged based on two main categories: DELIVERY and CONTENT. In each category judges are expected to assign points in increments of 0.5 for each item as listed below.
DELIVERY (point increments are Zero, 0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2)
1. Clear enunciation and pronunciation; no stuttering i.e., ‘um’, ‘er’, ‘you know’,
mispronunciation, etc.
2. Slides legible from back of room, well labeled, not overcrowded
3. Effective use of time: reasonable amount of time for intro, methods, results
and discussion (e.g. not most of time on background and little new info)
4. Stays within allotted time with time available for questions
5. Responds well to questions
Total Points for Delivery   _____(6)
CONTENT (point increments are Zero, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 or 3)
1. Background: adequate amount of background
2. Methods and Analyses: provides clear and concise description
3. Results: clear presentation of MOST relevant results
4. Conclusions: presents logical conclusion from the results
5. Implications: puts study results into larger context – “so what?”
6. Novelty: has the study been conducted by others? Has it been presented at
other conferences with little novelty added to the current presentation?
Total Points for Content   _____(12)
Total Points for Oral Presentation   _____(18)